As we drove north on 101 we encountered some unusal stone piles that someone had made into art???? I think???? (see photo)

some compensation for his hard work. He said he does a sculpture every day. This particular day, the sculpture had a military theme. Actually, he does pretty good work!
California is know for it's surfing. On one very windy day, there were many wind surfers (pictured) out in the ocean. I don't know how they keep from crashing into each other.

Our next stop was Pismo Beach RV Resort. Since it was spring break, the park was full with lots of kids. It's a great family park. See the photo of our site. You can see the dunes right next to us. The ocean was right over the dunes, but the beach was wide, so the water wasn't very close.

The RV park we stayed in is to the far right of this beach picture, behind the trees and behind the dunes.