Monday, March 24, 2008

Hearst Castle

The Hearst Castle is like an enchanted castle. It was built by William R. Hearst and used for his own personal retreat. As you can see, it was built high on a hill above the Pacific Ocean. (See the pictures looking up at the castle -above Joni - and looking down at the Pacific from the guest house patio)
Once we were at the castle, we couldn't get far enough away to get a complete view of the castle in the camera. We couldn't drive our car up the 5 mile long driveway. We had to go to the welcoming center and ride the tour bus up. The road was steep and had many switch backs - one of Joni's favorite kinds of roads.

There is an indoor pool and an outdoor pool. They are built in a Greco-Roman style. The outdoor pool has many sculptures around it. The indoor pool is made with Venetian glass and gold tiles. Real gold! Also pictured is the diving board of the indoor pool. The diving board looks like a balcony overlooking the water.

Hearst created this retreat to entertain his many celebrity friends and famous guests. (pictured is a view out of the bedroom window.) It was his desire that after his death, the State of California would open his house to the public for everyone to see his many treasures and pieces of art. He traveled the world collecting many antiques, sculptures, tapestries and more to display in his home.
There are many guest houses on the property. Pictured is the one we toured. It only has 18 rooms and faces the Pacific Ocean!!!!

We weren't allowed to use our flash while in the house, so many of our indoor pictures came out very dark. This one is of the dining room. Hearst liked to seat himself in the center so that he could visit with as many of his guests as possible. he even allowed the help to dine with him.

This is an attraction well worth the trip. Our pictures can't really show the magnificance of the castle. It is very lavish. I can't imagine living in this life style, but Hearst built it mainly as a showplace to entertain his guests.