Monday, March 10, 2008

USS Midway

The USS Midway is an aircraft carrier that is now docked in San Diego. It has served America for 47 years, starting at the end of WWII and ending with Desert Storm and the liberation of Kuwait in 1991. It was decommissioned in 1992 in San Diego and opened as a museum in 2004.

Some of the planes displayed on this carrier were used in Top Gun. A helicopter was used to rescue the Apollo astronauts after they returned from a space trip. (See Joni inside a helicopter)

We toured the ship on a sunny beautiful day. We went through many areas including, the brig, the mess halls, the officers’ quarters, galleys, the war room (see the map of Bagdad) , the flight deck, the jail (See Delton in the jail, similar to the dog house he is usually in), the sick bay and much more.

We learned how the planes took off, how they landed, how they were repaired, how they were fueled…. (see Delton and Joni in the cockpits)

Here are some interesting facts about the USS Midway:
1. 69,000 tons – total weight
2. 212,000 horsepower
3. 2000 feet of anchor chain (See Delton standing next to the chain)
4. 1001 feet long, 258 feet wide
5. 18 decks
6. 12 boilers
7. 3.4 million gallon capacity
8. 260 gallons used per mile
9. 600 engineers, 225 cooks,200 pilots
10. Used 10 tons of food daily, 13,500 meals served daily
11. 3000 potatoes daily

Touring this ship has brought us back to the realization of how proud we are to be Americans. More Americans should experience the honor of seeing what our military do to protect us and keep America free in this day of political correctness and terrorism. We are a great and strong country and pray that God will continue to bless America.