Thursday, August 28, 2008

Good Bye Fun Valley

It was our last evening in Fun Valley. Bob and Faye (pictured serving ice cream and cake) were kind enough to make some home made ice cream and host a camp fire for our send off!

When a cold front came through, we thought we might not get to have a campfire. But, the ice cream was "on" no matter what. Well, the weather cleared just before evening and things went off as planned.

It was alittle cooler than we wanted. It had even hailed alittle earlier in the day. So, we had ice cream making us cold and a campfire to warm us up. This was just typical Fun Valley fun!!!
Before the ice cream was served, a few of our "funny friends" rode by in their yellow canary! They were getting ready for entertainment in the Fun-A-Torium later in the evening! (See how handsome they are!)
We were sorry to leave Fun Valley for the season, but now we are on to new adventures!