Joni's son, Ken, moved from San Francisco to Denver last month. He wasn't too far from us in Fun Valley, so he came to visit for a weekend.

We didn't have a lot of time, so we didn't waste a minute.

We had a beautiful, sunny day for kayaking. The river was low and slow since most of the snow had melted, but we still had a great time.

Look for Ken in the red vest and Joni in the blue one.

After our day on the river, we had a cookout with our neighbors and then relaxed by the campfire (after a walk around the park).
The next morning, we got up early, had a tasty breakfast and headed for the Contenental Divide at Wolf Creek Pass for a hike up the mountains. Again we had a beautful sunny day.

The elevation was about 11,000 feet. The views were spectacular. There was even a little snow left (in August). (see Ken standing on the snow pile).

We hiked for 3 hours, then headed back to camp and had lunch. Ken had to head back to Denver. Our visit with him was short but packed full of excitement.
We will be visiting him in Denver before we leave Colorado and head east. We're looking forward to hiking with him again in "his neck of the woods".