Across the street from his apartment builidng is a great bike path along side a river. We took a long ride (14 miles) up river (see Delton and Ken along the path). It was a hot day, so it was a great workout.

We took a hike in the mountains overlooking Denver. The views were spectacular. It's a little hard to see the city of Denver due to the haze, but look hard. It's off in the distance about 20 miles away.

Also along the trail, high up in the mountains, is the remnent of the beginning of a building the state of Colorado was building for a presidential get-a-way. It was never completed, but the cornerstone in still there.

We visited Ken in Denver the weekend after the Democratic Convention. We decided to drive past Invesco Field, where Obama presented his final speech of the convention. Ugh! All we can say is: GO McCain/Palon!!!!!!!! McCain/Palon for President/VP!!!!
We had a great time in Denver with Ken. He likes his new home and is looking forward to skiing this winter.