First, Joni saw the BEAR run right in front of our motor home, then under a neighbor's canapy, on to the park road and then all around the east side of the campground!!!!!

It was the first sighting of bears in camp this season. Bears had rummaged through the garbage cans the night before, but to run through the campground right in the middle of the day was unusual. Earlier in the day, he was sighted up in a tree at the edge of the park. (s
ee bear in tree)

Delton and Ken (Joni's son) were in the motorhome. Delton was watching golf on TV and Ken was relaxing after a hard day of kayaking down the river. Joni yelled - "Look out the window!" Joni ran outside and watched. Most of the campers were running after the bear, watching and taking pictures.
He ran through many campsites and rummaged through garbage. It was amazing how many people followed after him, but as soon as he would turn towards them, they would take cover - Joni included!
Some thought he was a young bear who had recently been on his own. Maybe his mother didn't teach him to stay out of campgrounds in the middle of the day!!!!!
Finally, some of the campground workers chased him out of the park and up the mountain! But, I'm sure he'll be back!!!!!
That was exciting!!!!!!