Monday, July 28, 2008

Music! Pot Luck ! And a Rodeo!

There's music in the air! Fun Valley has many music events throughout the summer, including karaoke, pickin n grinin, DJ Street Dancing, square dancing, line dancing and more!

Kandy and Val always bring their Karaoke equipment to Fun Valley. Last year we bought our own equipment, so we both host karaoke for all the Fun Valley guests. (Pictured are Vanita, Kandy and Joni singing). (Also pictures are Kandy's kids and their friends singing).

Delton and Val dress in their cowboy hats for the occasion.

Other yearly events are the pickin' n grinin' at Jan and Carol's campsite. First we eat and eat and eat! (See all the food set up on the picnic tables - uuummmm good!) (Joni and Susan are sitting under a tree enjoying the turkey and dressing). Then all the musicians set up their equipment on the campsite patio, under the awning, and we sing and sing and play and play. (See Joni as she plays her tambourine and wood sticks - she's the percussion section). Joni is hidden behind Stu - the mandolin player.

Joni and Kandy also sing their rendition of Rocky Top. It's one of the first songs Joni felt comfortable enough to sing in front of groups of people.
Val and Tracy cooked a delicious meal - ribs and BBQ and brisket! Men are good cooks - they should cook more often! Are you listening Delton???? We also enjoyed some homemade donuts cooked on the fire by Mark and Nancy.

A few days later, we went to a Rodeo in Monte Vista, about 1/2 hour from Fun Valley. We went with our neighbors: Sherry, Mark, Linda and Troy. A bronco rider got hurt while riding. He got bucked off the horse and the ambulance had to take him away. Hope he's OK! Delton has been to lots of rodeos. This one was professional, but Delton said he'd seen some amateurs do better.