It was a beautiful day, so we decided to take a 1 hour drive to Half Moon Bay Beach State Park. Half Moon Bay is just south of San Francisco. Ken, Joni's son, met us there. (
See photo of Ken with Joni)
We took a long hike along the ocean, partly on the path and partly along the sand. Joni wished we had taken our bikes, but the hike gave us more time to visit and talk with each other.
As we walked along, we saw a kayak group surfing the waves (
see photo). The ocean here is very cold, so they all wore wet suits. Joni would love to try that sometime, but she'd need to buy an ocean kayak. The one she has is a recreational kayak.

After a few hours, we decided to take a drive along the coast to Santa Cruz. Actually, Joni wanted to go there. Ken and Delton said it wasn't worth the time. They were right. Santa Cruz is just an old small town with a boardwalk with lots of carnaval rides and lots of kids and teenagers AND A LOT OF TRAFFIC. We got stuck in the traffic along the beach for a long time. We didn't even park and get out and walk - we couldn't find a spot to park even if we wanted to. SO, we just turned around and went back to Half Moon Bay. We didn't take any pictures in Santa Cruz.
It was a beautiful drive along the coastal Route 1

so that part was was worth it.
We all had diner in Half Moon Bay when we got back.
Joni enjoyed every minute she could spend with Ken. He was planning on moving out of San Francisco to Denver the following week. We had traveled to San Francisco just in time.