The show is a spoof on current events and celebrities. It is also known for it's outrageous HATS!
Pictured are 2 hats of San Francisco. One is being worn by an actress in a red dress and one by an actress in a white dress in the final scene of the show.

It's the story of Snow White and her search for her prince charming. Political characters and people in the news all enter her life as she rejects each of them, until she finds her prince. Guess who it ends up being????

George Bush, Dick Cheney and Condy Rice all make an appearance.
(See photo of the three of them - Bush in his Texas shirt and Cheney in his hunting outfit)

We felt the show was great, funny and done in good taste. It's been running for about 30 years and is constantly being updated with current events and current celebrities in the news.