Traveling around the country has enabled us to see many friends and family members that we wouldn't have been able to visit otherwise. Steve and Barbara Olson have been friends of Delton's from before Delton met Joni. They are retired IBMers that Delton met while living in California many years ago. We've been able to visit them a few times this winter and Delton has gotten to play golf wth Steve a number of times. Steve also helped us out by taking us to the airport and watching our car and bikes and kayak, when we went back to Texas for Byron Nelson week. THANKS Barbara and Steve!!

Pictured are Steve cooking us some pizzas and Barbara working at her computer.

Sometimes friends show up in the strangest places!!! Terry Vance, a friend from Trophy Club who moved to Minnesota with his wife, also named Terry, had a business trip to San Jose while we were there. We were able to meet for diner one evening and enjoyed catching up on old times. Pictured are the three of us at a Mexican restaurant in San Jose.
Delton's Aunt Dorothy and her husband Jack, live in Sacramento. They moved there about 3 years ago. Dorothy is Delton's Mom's sister. We enjoyed spending an evening with them and their bird. Sorry - I can't remember the bird's name. He entertained us all evening by whistling and talking to us, and jumping all around the den - outside of his cage.

Thanks Dorothy and Jack for a fun evening and a great diner!