Friday, April 25, 2008

Byron Nelson Golf Tournament 2008

Well, it's that time again. Delton worked his 34th season and Joni worked her 23rd season. We have the most combined years as a volunteer couple on this tournament.

Pictured are Joni and Delton in their tower. Also pictured is our hole viewed from the fairway - see the volunteer tower in the distance with the TV tower next to it.

Since we are touring California this winter, we had to fly to Texas to work this year's tournament. We left our motorhome in the San Jose area and flew to Texas for the week. We stayed with our friends from Trophy Club, Kandy and Val Franklin with one night at Ron's (Delton's brother). Thank you Kandy and Val for your friendship and hospitality. It's always great to be "home" and visiting our friends and family. But, we didn't get alot of visiting in. Joni got sick!

She came down with a sinus infection that just took her down. It hit her hard and she wasn't able to work 2 of the 4 days. She was disappointed that in 34 years, she had not missed even 1 day to volunteer. Thank goodness that Delton's brother, Ron, was also working the tournament (his 3rd year) (Pictured are Ron and Delton working). Usually we work 3 people on a hole, but it can be done with 2. Delton and Ron had to work hard without Joni there every day, but Joni felt very appreciated by them this year. And thanks again to Kandy and Val, for letting a very sick Joni contaminate their home for a week. Luckily, no one else got sick!

As you can see, we are still working as Laser Operators, measuring the distances that the golfers hit the ball - from the tee box all the way to the hole. (Pictured is OUR hole - number 17 with a crowd watching) Using survey equipment located in a tower which stands about 10 feet high, we spot the ball and push the button. The machine and computers do the rest.

Just a few more years and Delton will get his 35 year pin and Joni will get her 25 year pin. Do you think we will retire from our volunteer jobs after that?