May 20 – June 1, 2006

We visited Joni’s brother, Rich Marone, and his wife, Adele, in Dover,New Hampshire, before and after our trip to NYC and Texas. It was a safe place to leave our motor home and we got to see our family – twice! Once before our trip to Dallas and once after our trip.
We parked on the street in front of their house. At first, Rich wanted us to park our motor home on their lawn next to the house, but we thought we might “sink” if it rained a lot. After they got about 12 inches of rain, we were glad we chose the street.

Rich loves to move dirt. It was funny to watch him get on his tractor and work around the house each afternoon. Delton joined him sometimes. Pictured is Rich working in his backyard.

We also spent some time with Justin, Rich and Adele’s oldest son. Rich and Justin love motorcycles. They both own Harley’s and spend as much time riding together as they can. Pictured are Rich and Adele, and Justin and Amanda (his girlfriend).
Rich and Justin work together, renovating homes. They have a very good business going and have recently completely gutted and redid Justin and Amanda’s house. It has been completely redone inside. The next job is to tackle the outside – new paint and roof.

Pictured are Justin and Amanda outside their house.
Rich and Adele just added a new member to their family, Harley, the German shepherd. Guess what he was named after!

Delton was looking forward to having a lobster dinner. Seafood is great in the northeast. Here we are enjoying a great lobster meal.
The best part of our visit to New Hampshire was being able to be with Rich and Adele for such a long time. Joni doesn’t get to see her brother very often. Joni and Rich loved being together for so long and BONDED! Too bad Mom and Dad couldn’t have been with too.