Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Back Home - Trophy Club, TX

May 8 – 20, 2006

It’s funny how we keep “having” to go back “home” to Texas every once in a while.

The Bryon Nelson is a good reason to have to go back for a visit. We volunteer our services every year and didn’t want to miss this one.

We stayed with friends in Trophy Club. First we stayed with Skip and Kathy McKie, who lived just a few houses away from us when we lived on Inverness. Then we stayed with Mary Jane and Dave Mullaski who lived down the street from us when we lived on Meadowbrook Lane. We were back in our old stomping ground.

Skip recently retired from Southwest Airlines, so we were able to spend a lot of time with both Skip and Kathy. Mary Jane and Dave opened their home to us and we were able to play lots of bridge and tennis together. They also opened their home to Delton’s brother, Ron, during the Bryon Nelson so that he would not have to travel so far every day to do his volunteer work.

We will get to see both the McKie’s and the Mulaski’s later this spring and summer. We will be passing though Michigan where the Mulaski’s have a summer cabin. In July, the McKie’s will join us in Fun Valley, CO where they will rent an RV for a week and enjoy the life of RVing.

Carson Jones, our nephew from Decatur, is playing in his high school baseball playoffs. We got to see him and other members of Delton’s family at a baseball game.

Also we got to see Joni’s son, Chris a few times. Joni was elated to be able to see him, especially since we were in Texas for Mother’s Day. Wish all the kids could be together for special times. Delton had lunch with his son, Chris and we were able to spend a little time with Ken, Shawna and Shawntal.

We also had some business to take of while in Texas. We had to find a place to store some of our “stuff” because Delton’s brother Tim is moving and we had some of our “stuff” stored at his house. Thanks Tim and Kim for allowing us to use your space while you lived in Decatur. Also we took care of some of our doctor check ups.

After being “home” for 2 weeks it was hard for Joni to leave again, but knowing we were going to be seeing more family and friends over the next few months made it a lot easier.

We could go on and on about the people we saw and the things we did while in Texas. It’s funny that what we normally would do while living in Texas has become part of our adventures across the country now.