We left our motorhome in New Hamphire and headed to New York City to see Joni’s son Jim and his finance Barbara. Joni’s brother Rich and his wife Adele live in New Hamphire and we felt it was the safest place to leave our “home”. Joni was looking forward to this trip because she was going to ride in the 5 Borough New York City Bike Ride with Jim and Barbara.
The ride was 42 miles long and went through Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Brooklyn and the Bronx – over bridges, on highways, through Central Park and on the Staten Island Ferry.

Joni, Jim and Barbara started out at 7:00am to get to the start line. It was a beautiful sunny day – about in the mid 60’s – a perfect day for a bike ride. Delton decided it was too long a ride and would rather watch golf on TV, so he wasn’t with them. We had to ride the subway to get to the start line. The ride was to begin at 8:00am. Pictured are Jim and Barbara on the subway.

The start line was staggered to help with congestion. We started at about the middle of the pack. It took about 1 hour to get to the start line because of the crowd and most of that was walking our bikes. Pictured are all the bikers getting ready to begin.

Here we're passing Radio City Music Hall.

Jim’s apartment was close to the route, so Delton decided to say “Hi” as we rode by him. We stopped and he took a picture of us on the FDR Expressway along the river.
Barbara's parents also came to see us ride by when we were in Queens.

Here we are going over the Queensboro Bridge.

The rest stops offered us snacks, friut, energy drinks and energy bars. Here we are at a Queens rest stop where we also had a hamberger. Notice the NYC skyline in the background.

Traffic was blocked so that the bikes could ride. Going over the Veranzanno Bridge to Staten Island was one of the highlights. Pictured are Joni and Barbara heading to the bridge.

Also pictured is the view from the bridge, looking down at the ramp to enter the bridge. The bikers stretched for miles and miles.

After reaching the finish line, we had to take the Staten Island Ferry back to Manhattan. Pictured are Joni and Barbara on the ferry with the Statue of Liberty in the backgound.
By the time we had gotten back to Jim’s apartment, we had clocked 45 ½ miles on our odometers. It was a great day, great company and great exercise.