Saturday, May 27, 2006

Mount Majors, The Flume and Maine

Dover, NH: May 20 – June 1, 2006

While visiting Joni’s brother Rich Marone, and his wife, Adele, we did some sightseeing in New Hampshire and Maine. Rich and Adele had to go to work everyday, so we did a little sightseeing on our own, plus we played a bunch of tennis. Delton was also able to get in some golf practice and play a couple of rounds with Rich.

The Flume is in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. We took a hike up the Flume, about 1 ½ miles along a narrow waterfall.   We hiked across a covered bridge (notice Delton standing on the bridge) and along some fast moving water in a beautiful section of the country. There were some sections where we got quite wet from the mist of the waterfall.

Mount Majors, a popular place to hike, is about 40 minutes from Rich’s house. We had been there before and enjoyed the hike up about 1000 feet. The whole family went on this hike, including the dogs.  
As we reached the top, we turned to look at the lake below. What a sight! Pictured are Joni, Adele and Amanda.  
The view at the top is outstanding and is well worth the one hour hike up.   Posted by Picasa
Pictured is the whole family on the rocks at the top.

   Maine is known for its’ lobster, but the beaches have much to be desired. Our travels have taken us to some of the most beautiful beaches in the country, so the Maine beaches with the cold-cold water and rocky dark sand couldn’t compare. But, they had a beauty of their own with the rocks and New England style homes surrounding them. Shown is Short Beach, a small U-shaped beach on the coast of Maine.