Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Our Computer Crashes As We Head East


Our computer crashed and Delton has been in the process of "Re-BUILDING" it. What a job! Before it crashed I downloaded all our pictures that were taken during the end of July and beginning of August. Then I deleted those pictures off of my camera!

Consequently, we lost those pictures. That was a time period of about 3 weeks. Luckily Delton had backed up everything before that!

We lost:
Larry and Kathy Lehrmann's visit to us in Fun Valley.
Our visit to Dana and Karen Lemmermans in Salida, CO
Our visit to Denver to see Joni's son Ken

Our time with Larry and Kathy was great! We kayaked down the Rio Grand and had a ball. Larry hiked on the mountains around Fun Valley. And danced in the Square Dance Hall. They stayed with us in our motor home... close quarters...., but we bonded! Kathy and Larry: please send us any pictures that you took.

Then we left Fun Valley and traveled about 100 miles to visit Dana and Karen Lemmerman in Salida, CO. We hiked and biked. Again our pictures were lost. Dana and Karen: Please send us any pictures you took.

Then we traveled on to Denver, another short drive, to see Joni's son Ken. He just bought a new house in the city. We helped him with decorative ideas and went patio shopping with him. He had a neat roof patio on top of his 4 story house. Lots of steps. We also biked and enjoyed our time with him.

Then we headed east, planning on being at Joni's nephew's wedding in New Hampshire on August 20. As we drove through North Platte, Nebraska, our motor home died! Our alternator went out. After a 3 night wait and $1200 poorer, we were finally on our way.

Our next stop was in the Cleveland area, where we visited Emory and Jean Smith, friends from Florida. We stayed with them for 1 night. They had just sold their house and were in the process of moving to Florida permanently. No more snow birding for them.

From this point on, we have pictures and can start our regular posting again. If any of our friends have some pictures they can send us that were taken during this time, please do. We'd love to post them.