Something new in Fun Valley is a few tree stumps that were carved into beautiful mountain statues of bears, coyotes, and more. There are many tree stumps which are the result of strong winds which swept though the park, knocking over and braking trees. What a great idea to make carvings out of them.
Friends Dana and Karen Lemmerman and Breezy their dog, came for a weekend in Fun Valley. We met them in Florida a few years ago.
Delton invited Dana to play in the Mac Henson Fun Valley Golf Tournament. It was a scramble and they came in in the middle of the pack. But they did win some drawing prizes and had a great day.

While the men played golf, Joni and Karen took off for Pagosa Springs and a day in the Hot Springs. We started out in the 100 degree pool and quickly moved to the 95 degree pool. Then on to the 85 degree pool, but ended back in the 95 degree pool. Once we got used to the hot water we could stay in the 95 degree pool a long time. The pools were very relaxing and soothing, easing our aging bones and muscles. The hotter pools burned our skin and probably raised our blood pressure. Imagine!!!! The 100 degree water was the same temp as the air in Texas!!!!!!

The hottest pool registered 113 degrees. Could anyone handle that one??
We hosted a Karaoke session while Dana and Karen were visiting. The crowd was about 150 people and all had a great time. We will do karaoke weekly in Fun Valley for the summer.