Joni went kayaking with Paul and Donna, seen in in our photos. Paul made a "funny face" and we thought he would love seeing his picture on the internet!!!! 
Delton got a fishing license and decided to do some "jugging".
He used Joni's kayak to set his lines out in the lake and checked them every morning and evening.
He caught quite a few fish and we had some great fresh fish for diner many nights.

We left the DFW area and went to Lake
Whitney to see Gayle and Walt Fenoglio.
They have an RV and boat which they keep at the lake. Our day on the lake was very windy, but we were determined. See us enjoying the day!!!!

After leaving Lake Whitney we headed to Stamford, TX to visit with Delton's mom. While there we attended a family reunion called "Claude's Day" Claude's day celebrates the day Uncle Claude returned from WWI. Sorry, I have no pictures of the event or our stay in Stamford. 

On our way to Fun Valley, CO, we stopped in Stephenville and visited some Fun Valley friends, Sam and Jody. We met them in CO a few years ago. They have a very nice set up for their full time RVing. See the photo.... a covered area with a place for storage and patio area in the back. We will see them again soon in Fun Valley.