We've already seen Elvis, The Beetles, Yakov (Russion comedian) and Clay Cooper! We hoping to see a few more before we leave this area. Of coarse, Yakov and Clay Cooper were the real deal. If you didn't know Elvis and the Beetles were impersonators, you'd have thought they were the real people! Look real hard at their pictures. Can you tell if they are real or not!!!???
Yakov gave a great patriotic performance. He is from Russia and he LOVES America. As he is always saying. "What A Country!" Every American should feel as proud of America as Yakov is. His show is funny and entertaining.

The Beetles looked real, sounded real and acted real. George Harrison's sister presented the show and told some stories about her brother and the other Beetles. We had great seats too, 2nd row!

Then there's ELVIS! Tony Roi does a great Elvis. As soon as he opened his mouth to sing, you'd have throught that Elvis was in the room. Great Impersonation!

Clay Cooper is a country singer and wonderful entertainer. His show was funny, fast moving and featured his family and friends. His music was great. (See Clay with his guitar on his shoulder). If you are ever in Branson, don't miss this show!

Sherry and Mark Watson, friends we made in Fun Valley last year, are here with us in Branson. They both work at Silver Dollar City (arts and crafts show). One of the many benefits of working there is that they get to go to the shows for free and can bring guests. We have been their guests. It's great having friends like Sherry and Mark. You can see Mark in our Fun Valley posts. He is the cane carver and he has a booth in Silver Dollar City, where he sells his canes. We'll help you buy one - just let us know!