Heading back to Texas, we stopped at the Creation Museum in Kentucky.

If you didn't believe the biblical story of Noah and the great flood, you will after you visit the Creation Museum.
See Joni in the ark!

There is evidence of the flood through fossils and rock formations, especially in the Grand Canyon. The way the fossils and land are formed, it had to happen over a short amount of time, not over millions of years. Finding fish fossils on the top of mountains sure is convincing!

Also on display was a scroll taken from one of Sadam Hussein's palaces. He tried to destroy as much as he could be left a few behind. Fasinating!
We went to the planatarium which was also part of the museum. WOW! What an amazing universe! We are but a speck in the realm of things. God certainly loves us to have created such a wonderful place for us.
See Adam and Eve in the Garden!