Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Bentonville, Arkansas

Continuing our trip back to Texas, we stopped in Bentonville, Arkansas, home of Delton's son, Chris. Chris is doing well. He bought a house and is fixing it up and doing a great job of it. We were disappointed that Chris had to work the whole weekend we were there, but he was able to get off earlier than normal. We don't get to see him too often, so our visit was very special.

Also living in Bentonville are our friends Ken and Anne Montgomery and their kids. Hannah and Sarah. Ken is the Music Minister of the First Baptist Church in Bentonville and Anne is in the choir. Anne is in the first row, second from the right. We enjoyed going to their church on Sunday and having lunch with them afterwards.

Chris suggested we do some sight seeing, hiking and biking while we were there. We went to see the Mildred Cooper Memorial Chapel. It's beautiful. Made of mostly glass from top to bottom, it is unique in it's construction. In a treed setting, the light reflects and constantly changes as the sun moves throughout the day. It's also lit up at night. We didn't get to see that but Chris said it's beautiful.

As we traveled south, we also stopped in Oklahoma City, and had diner with Rob and Marie Hock. They are the parents Jay, who is married to our niece Lisa. They showed us the city and we enjoyed diner at a Mexican restaurant. We headed to the DFW area the next and finally arrived back in Texas after a whirl wind of a trip. From July to October, we travels about 5000 miles...... from Colorado to New Hampshire and Maine and back to Texas.