We worked the Byron Nelson Golf Tournament again this year. This year Delton celebrated his 35th year as a volunteer. His goal is to be the "oldest" volunteer at the Byon. Joni celebrated her 23rd year. Ron, Delton's brother, worked his 4th year. Time flies!

During our stay at the Vineyards RV Park in Grapevine, we met another RVer parked across from us named Troy Matteson and his wife. Troy is a professional golfer and was entered into the Byron. We really enjoyed getting to know Troy and his wife.
See pictures of Troy with us and another picture of Troy at the Byron. He's wearing a pale green shirt. Troy made the cut, but struggled on Saturday and Sunday. Also see our picture of
VJ Singh, another golf pro.
Have you ever heard of a
Caddie Race? It's a race to see which caddie steps on the green first.

The Caddie Race was held only on our hole - HOLE 17!

What a

fun addition to the tournament, at least Joni thought so.

Delton wasn't so sure. He thought it would bother the golfers and take their focus off the game. The crowd loved it!

Pictured are Delton, Ron and Joni working in their tower on hole 17. We are all on the Laser Committee working for ShotLink.

We measure the distance the golfers hit the ball. That's how the media knows how far the ball is hit and how close it is to the hole.