We made our way slowly back to Texas from Colorado, passing through Dalhart to visit Delton's brother and Stamford to visit Delton's Mom. We passed some very colorful country side on our way, although the picture doesn't do justice to the beauty of the land. While staying in Dalhart, we went to see our nephew Grayson, play a football game (shown).

We finally got "home" in Grapevine and quickly settled in for our fall stay.

Our church presents it's annual Christmas presentation called "Journey to Bethlehem" every year

and we play the part of beggers loitering outside the village of Bethlehem. See past years for more pictures and information on the "journey". We had a very cold weekend for our outside presentation this year so we think that kept some of the crowd down. About 4000 people came though the journey this year trudging through cold temps and misty rainy conditions.

Due to a lot of rain this fall, the lake level was way up as you can see. Some of the sites were partly under water and you would have to swim to the picnic tables to eat! As you can see, some of the trees were underwater also.

While enjoying our stay at Lake Grapevine, we looked up and noticed some "cars driving through the lake". It was an unusual sight. Later on, Joni got to meet the guys who owned the water cars and they offered to take her for a ride. Some of the park host also got to ride. We really didn't ride around with a witch....... it was Halloween! The park hosts were in costume, so Lanny rode in the lake in her witch costume. The most fun was driving into and out of the water.

O coarse, we spend much of our time visiting friends and family. Pictured are us with John and Bev. We met them on our first outing in our motorhome at Lake Ray Roberts. They are also "full timers" and live in their motorhome.
We enjoyed an early Christmas with Delton's son Ken and his wife Shawna and their daughter Shauntal. Joni's son Chris joined us for diner and a gift exchange.

Also pictured are us with Kathy and Larry. We didn't get pictures of all the people we got together with or all the things we did. Seeing family and friends every fall is important to us as we travel around the country the rest of the year.
Delton's family got together during the Thanksgiving holiday and went to see Baylor play Texas Tech at the new Cowboy stadium. It was a sight! Big! We toured around the stadium before settling down to watch the game. We were up in the nose bleed section. You couldn't sit any higher. The most impressive part of the stadium is the huge screen!!!!!!!!
Too soon it was time for us to head to Florida. It's amazing how a little cold weather chases us south. See you in Florida.