Joni's brother Rich and his wife, Adele, invited Joni on a Harley ride. They both have beautiful new Harleys. Joni isn't a motorcyle fan, but decided to take a leap of faith. So with Delton's blessings, she went.
Adele loaned Joni a leather jacket and motorcycle boots. She was part of the gang! See Joni sitting on Adele's bike during a rest stop. I will post more motorcycle pictures as soon as I can.
The ride consisted of about 20 bikes. We all met at a Harley dealership and rode about 2 1/2 hours, had lunch and then came back.
Joni rode double with Rich. He's a very safe driver, so Joni gradually calmed down and felt comfortable. There are a lot of safety rules to riding in a group and it ended up being a lot of fun.