Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Early Thanksgiving in NH

Early Thanksgiving in New Hamphire with Joni's Mom was a special time for Joni's Mom.

Joni's boys flew up to New Hampshire to see their grandma and spend some time with Joni's brother Rich, his wife Adele, and their son Justin and his fiance Amanda. Joni's son Chris couldn't make the trip this time because he was a groomsman in the wedding of a friend that weekend. We missed having him there.

Rich cooked us all a delicious ravioli diner at his house in Dover. He's a good cook!

Then we all joined Joni's Mom at her "home" at the Spruce Wood Inn for a special early Thanksgiving meal the next day. The Spruce Wood Inn provided a delicious turkey meal in the private dining room for special family get togethers.

During the weekend, Justin and Amanda became our guides and showed us around the area. Even though it was cold, we all enjoyed being together and seeing the sights.

Wish we could all get together more often. So many families live so many miles apart from each other. Our next get together will be in August 2010 in New Hampshire. Justin and Amanda will be getting married then, so we're all looking forward to a great family reunion and celebration in August.