One of the 7 Wonders of the World, the Grand Canyon is another spectacular place. After we left Las Vegas, we headed towards Colorado. When we realized our first stop in Williams, AR would only be 60 miles from the Grand Canyon, we knew we had to spend some time there.

The Grand Canyon Railway RV park was walking distance to the train depot which went to the Grand Canyon. We are so glad we took the train. What a fun day we had!!!!

The train ride was 2 hours long one way.
When we got to the canyon, we decided to hike the Rim Trail. The
whole trail was full of beautiful views of the canyon.

All other trails were extreme and hard with much climbing - up and down. Many people hike overnight to the bottom or tour on mules.

Before the train left, we saw a wild west show at the depot. (
See Joni with a rough tough cowboy.)

Once we were on the train, we were entertained by a singing cowboy (
see photo). Each train car had a host to serve us beverages, tell us about the canyon and answer questions.
On our trip back to the RV park, we had a train robbery. Some masked bandits approached the train on horseback and boarded the train. Luckily, the sheriff was on board and protected us. (See photos of our train robbery experience).We left for Colorado the next day with one more stop before we got to the Fun Valley RV Park. Our winter travels were busy so we're looking forward to spending time relaxing in Fun Valley with old friends.