Greeting old friends and making new friends makes this park feel like home. As you can see, we have started with campfires and pot luck dinners right away.

We are parked next to Mark and Sherry this year. Delton and Mark enjoy playing golf together and have played in the Fun Valley Mac Henson Golf Tournament. Delton had been looking forward to that for a long time. Sherry teaches line dancing at the Square Dance Barn in Fun Valley to all interested campers.

Mark has a great hobby. He makes canes. He goes up into the mountains and finds aspen sticks and makes beautifully carved canes. Here he is pictured stripping the bark off some sticks.
Also pictured is Mark with some of his completed canes. See the gun handle, duck handle. faces and weaves.
This is just the beginning of the summer. We will be here until sometime in August and will post more of our activities as they happen.