Saturday, June 28, 2008

Fun Valley 2008

After spending a very busy and hectic winter in California, we have finally arrived at Fun Valley RV resort in Colorado. This is our 7th summer here.

Greeting old friends and making new friends makes this park feel like home. As you can see, we have started with campfires and pot luck dinners right away. (See us enjoying a meal with Donald, Debbie, Jackson, Mark and Sherry.) We picked a campsite right on the river this year with a pretty view of the mountains. Pictured across the river you can see some horses crossing the bridge.

The cotton wood trees are shedding and making a mess everywhere. Sometimes it actually looks like we are in the middle of a snow storm. The pond behind our motor home is almost completely covered with cotton and you can see site area is full also. It's not fun breathing in cotton! Can't wait for the cotton to stop falling.

We are parked next to Mark and Sherry this year. Delton and Mark enjoy playing golf together and have played in the Fun Valley Mac Henson Golf Tournament. Delton had been looking forward to that for a long time. Sherry teaches line dancing at the Square Dance Barn in Fun Valley to all interested campers.

Mark has a great hobby. He makes canes. He goes up into the mountains and finds aspen sticks and makes beautifully carved canes. Here he is pictured stripping the bark off some sticks.

Also pictured is Mark with some of his completed canes. See the gun handle, duck handle. faces and weaves.

This is just the beginning of the summer. We will be here until sometime in August and will post more of our activities as they happen.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Grand Canyon, Arizona

One of the 7 Wonders of the World, the Grand Canyon is another spectacular place. After we left Las Vegas, we headed towards Colorado. When we realized our first stop in Williams, AR would only be 60 miles from the Grand Canyon, we knew we had to spend some time there.

The Grand Canyon Railway RV park was walking distance to the train depot which went to the Grand Canyon. We are so glad we took the train. What a fun day we had!!!!

The train ride was 2 hours long one way.
When we got to the canyon, we decided to hike the Rim Trail. The whole trail was full of beautiful views of the canyon.

All other trails were extreme and hard with much climbing - up and down. Many people hike overnight to the bottom or tour on mules.

Before the train left, we saw a wild west show at the depot. (See Joni with a rough tough cowboy.)

Once we were on the train, we were entertained by a singing cowboy (see photo). Each train car had a host to serve us beverages, tell us about the canyon and answer questions.

On our trip back to the RV park, we had a train robbery. Some masked bandits approached the train on horseback and boarded the train. Luckily, the sheriff was on board and protected us. (See photos of our train robbery experience).

We left for Colorado the next day with one more stop before we got to the Fun Valley RV Park. Our winter travels were busy so we're looking forward to spending time relaxing in Fun Valley with old friends.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Viva Las Vegas

Joni had never been to Las Vegas. Delton had been once before. We are not gamblers, but we couldn't pass up the chance to see what Las Vegas was all about! We stayed at the Oasis RV park, set among palm trees and desert. Pictured is our site, behind the pool. (See our motorhome behind the pool among the trees.

No doubt, the hotels are probably the most lavish in the world. It is entertaining just walking down the "strip" (Las Vegas Blvd.) and looking at all the glitz. Pictured are some samples of the glitz.

New York New York is a hotel built to look just like New York City, with the sky scrappers and the Statue of Liberty and the the bridges. The inside looks just the streets of New York and the food was just as good.

Treasure Island had a free nightly pirate show outside their hotel with real pirate ships, cannons going off and fireworks. It was great! (See Photo)

The fountains at the Bellagio were wonderful. Each fifteen minutes they had a water fountain show where the water danced to music. The pictures we took cannot do justice to how entertaining it was.

Circus Circus was a circus! We saw a free circus show inside the hotel, which was like going to a real circus. The shows were every half hour and were different each time. Pictured are what we saw - a trapeze act and acrobatic balancing act.

We got to see a magic show - The Lance Burton Magic show. As we were walking around the hotels, we were approached by a time share solicitor and were offered a free show and diner for spending a couple hours listening to their pitch. We felt it was worth it, so we did it. Lance Burton made cars and people disappear and re-appear. It was great.

We were disappointed that some of the old, famous hotels were destroyed and replaced by new bigger ones - with higher prices.

One day during our stay in Las Vegas we decided to go to Hoover Dam which was only 30 miles away. Unfortunately we lost all the pictures we took while we were at the dam. Sorry! Joni was surprised at how narrow the channel was at the dam's location. It was impressive.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Yosemite NP, CA

Yosemite National Park in California is one of our favorite parks in the country. The falls and views are spectacular.

One of our hikes was 7 miles long and took us 6 hours. We went to Vernal Falls and then to Nevada Falls. We hiked up about 3,000 feet and back down again. We are pictured at the top. Also pictured are both falls (look hard) from a high point.

To get to the Nevada Falls we hiked up the Mist Trail (pictured) and the John Muir Trail. We had to hike up over 600 steep granite steps (pictured is Joni on the steps in her poncho). We got quite wet even wearing our rain ponchos. The steps were quite slippery, so we had to be very careful.

Yosemite has the world's tallest waterfalls, with the tallest being 3,212 feet. Even though Niagara Falls is huge, it is not as tall as the ones in Yosemite.

The Taft Point trail took us on a snowy walk through streams and led us to a spectacular view of the Yosemite Valley at an elevation of over 7000 feet.

There were many spots where Joni got a little nervous near the ledges. (See Joni holding on to the rail). Delton just keeps moving on and can step real close to the ledge, making Joni a little upset.

We spent a week in this area and got lots of exercise hiking. There is much to do and see. If you're looking for a place to vacation, this is it!