The town was hustling with tourists and applie pie lovers. We bought 2 pies, one apple pie and one pecan. We shared both pies with our friends, Doug and Rita Fick. They were the best pies we've ever had.

Julian is a quaint little town as you can see.

Pictured is the main street in town with a horse and carriage. There's not much more to the town than the main street.

We were greeted by Pam, (pictured below) the owner of this Mom and Pop winery.

Since it is February, this is the dormant season for the vineyards. As you can see, there are no grapes on the vines. Pam explained the wine making process to us.
After the grapes are picked they are crushed.

We were able to taste various wines.
Since this was a small operation, we were given personal attention on our tour.

Joni's grandparents were born in Italy and when they came to America, Joni's grandpa built a wine celler in their basement in Flushing, NY. Since Joni was small at the time, she wasn't real interested in the process, but going through the winery brought back memories of her Grandpa . She remembers that he had 2 or 3 wine barrels and the basement always smelled like wine.