A Kayak Accident
As your know, Joni loves to kayak and uses the boat ramp at Ocean Resorts often to get in and out of her kayak. Many of her friends have told her to use the ladder to get into her kayak and warned her that the boat ramp was slippery and dangerous. Pictured is the scene of the accident - the boat ramp.
On January 6, 2007, after a wonderful kayak ride on the
Paddling to the edge of the water onto the ramp, Joni started to get out of her kayak. The tide was low, the water’s edge was dirty, murky, muddy, and full of algae and pebbles. Joni slipped in the slippery muck as she tried to exit the kayak. Her face took the entire brunt of the fall, landing on the concrete ramp. As she stood up, she noticed the blood dripping from her face and realized she was hurt.
Joni went to Fran and Bob Baxter’s house, right next to the ramp, for help. As she knocked on the door, she noticed the reflection of her face in the glass. She had two golf ball size swellings, one on her cheek and one above her right eyebrow. A mixture of mud and blood covered her face and right side of her body. Fan and Bob welcomed her into their clean home anyway. They helped her wash the wound and gave her ice to keep the swelling down. Bob located her husband, Delton, and within 45 minutes they were at the Fort Pierce Emergency Room.
Joni received 9 stitches above her right eyebrow and a big black eye. Her visit to the emergency room lasted six and one half hours. What a fun way to spend a Saturday night!
Delton was often teased about socking Joni to keep her in line. It was a fun filled week as her black eye got bigger and darker. Everyone at Ocean Resorts seemed to be aware of the accident.
Then it was time to have the stitches removed. The doctor at the emergency room said there was no need to return to the hospital for the removal of the stitches. Even Delton could remove them. Joni wasn’t so sure about that!!!! Joni discovered there were some retired nurses living in the park. Betty Bonita volunteered to help her out. When the time came (10 days later), it had turned into a surgical procedure involving 3 nurses.
On Monday, January 15, Joni went to the “clinic” at Claudia’s house on