Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Is it Gillgan's Island??

January 3, 2007

Kayaking is very popular in Ocean Resorts. Many people have kayaks and there are many kayak outings.

One afternoon a group of us decided to go across the river to one of the islands and have lunch. There were 6 of us kayaking, 1 pontoon boat and 1 little blow up boat with an engine. Joni kayaked and Delton rode in the pontoon boat.

The river is very shallow in many parts, so they had to be drudged so the boats could get through. The islands were created by the drudging. Looks like Gilligan's Island, doesn't it? It's actually called Jaudon's Island. See the sign erected in the sand. The island is pictured behind Joni and 2 of her friends kayaking back to Ocean Resorts.

On the way back there were a couple of dolphin playing in the water. Delton was able to catch a few pictures which are hard to do. They are up and back down so quickly.

Sometimes they very close to the kayaks. Joni has seen them playing, feeding and even mating in the river.