We closed on our house today. It was a joyous occasion for Delton and very sad for Joni. A few very good friends helped Joni and I get through this difficult time. We want to offer our sincere thanks to each of them for their love, sacrifice and friendship.
Val and Kandy Franklin have been very good friends for over 20 years. Kandy worked with us at one time and was our realtor. She gave Joni many hours of moral support and encouragement. Her shoulder was wet many times trying to comfort Joni as we went through several stages of the sell process. Pictured is Joni with Kandy shortly after we closed on the house.

Your can see in the second picture of Delton with Kandy that the mood is a little different.

Val and Kandy were great host during the last few days of our move. They opened up their home to us and treated us just like family.
Walt and Gayle Fenoglio were also there with us through this process. We met them at Memorial Baptist Church after they returned from living in Australia. They have joined us on several camping trips and we developed a special bond that will last a life time.

Pictured are Walt and Gayle with us at Inks Lake. They moved from Southlake to Glorieta, New Mexico in July of last year and could relate very well to what we were going through. Gayle has been a great support partner for Joni. They were in the area for a wedding and helped us pack, load and unload on our last day at the house.

We have enjoyed living in Trophy Club and really loved our home. It’s always difficult to give up something you have invested a lot of love and attention into but it was time to move on.

We purchased a very nice Monaco Dynasty motor home three years ago. This will be our interim home for a time as we downsize to a smaller home.
As we move to the next adventure we are saddened by leaving our family, friends and church family behind. We do however look forward to making new friends, visiting with family and friends on the road and seeing the great things that the good Lord has put in place on this earth for us to enjoy.