Dave, Mary and Joni |
Now that the snow has finally melted, we were able to hike the Continental Divide (unlike our attempt about 1 month ago).
Beautiful View |
Joni hiked with some friends, but Delton was playing golf that day. So, Joni hiked without Delton.
It was an absolutely beautiful day.

The Continental Divide is located about 10 miles from Fun Valley. After reaching the summit of Wolf Creek Pass, we took a dirt road to get to the hiking trail. That was not passable last month due to snow. Check out our post last month to see our snowy hike. The dirt road is about 3 miles long up to an elevation of about 12,000 feet.
Mary, Dave, Bill and Veronica are all avid hikers and are willing to hike anywhere, at any time. The trail goes for many miles along the Continental Divide, so we hiked in about 1 1/2 hours and back out again.
Bill, Veronica, Mary and Dave |
Rivers on the east side of the Divide flow to the east and rivers on the west side flow to the west. What a concept!
Just imagine.... Delton went golfing that day! He sure missed out! But, he'll come next time.