Saturday, June 25, 2011

Pagosa Springs

The Hot Springs
 While our husbands played golf, Karen L, Karen S and Joni went to Pagosa Springs for some shopping and some basking in the Hot Springs.

Our friends from Florida came up for a golf tournament, at least the guys did!
Karen S and Karen L
There are many little pools at the Springs and they are all different temperatures, but all HOT!  We preferred the ones in the upper 90's, but there were some that were about 106 degrees.  Hot and smelly! But they felt soooooo good!

 The Springs are located along the San Juan River in the town of Pagosa Springs and the scenery is beautiful as you can see.  We watched rafters float by as we sat in the pools.

There was also a "regular" pool there, so we could cool off!

Before going to the springs, we enjoyed a wonderful lunch in a Mexican restaurant that overlooked the pools.  That's where we took the picture of the Springs from up high.
Joni and Karen S

We think the guys missed out on a fun day, but they thought golf was more fun.  What do you think?