WOW! This is the best baby shower Joni has ever been to. A Baby Shower for Joni's 1st grandchild.

Joni flew up to NYC to attend a baby shower for Barbara (and Jim). Leaving Florida, where it was warm and sunny, and arriving in NYC where it was cold and snowy was exciting. Joni hadn't seen that much snow in years......... Actually it was kind of fun.

The shower was held in an Irish Pub in NY. About 30 guests attended. Barbara was concerned that the weather would keep people away, but New Yorkers are tough!!!!! A little snow won't stop them. It was well attended.

As you can see, Jim and Barbara received many wonderful gifts. There were some gifts that were sent directly to Jim and Barbara's apartment, so there are more than all the gifts you see here.

We had some delicious food and the usual baby shower games. One game was to try and guess the size of Barbara's baby belly. See the photo of measuring her belly.
Joni was very emotional during the shower. She has been waiting a very long time to become a GRANDMA!. Can't believe it's really happening. She cried a bunch of very happy tears. It won't be long now. The baby is due at the end of March.