Saturday, September 11, 2010

SUNY Potsdam

We continued our nostalgic journey into Joni's past by visiting her old alma mater, The University of New York at Potsdam in Potsdam, NY. Joni was a piano major and earned a Bachelor of Science in Music Education.

We left our motor home in Lake George and took a day trip to Postdam, about 125 miles away.

It was a cloudy rainy day, but that didn't dampen Joni's enthusiasum.
We visited the campus and her sorority, Phi Kappa Pi.

The sorority house brought back a lot of memories, but it was not in good shape at all. We spoke to 3 "sorority sisters" who lived in the house and they talked about how they were trying to fix up the house. They had a tough time financially and membership had fallen. The girls were very interested in hearing some old stories from the past and Joni was interested to see how things had changed. See Joni standing at the front and side of the house. Also see her picture on the 1966 composite. Joni is pictured on the bottom left of the picture. (She was Joan Marone back then). She squeeled with joy when she saw the picture on the second floor wall.

The college campus looked great. It's a very small school. Only 4 buildings when Joni first started in 1963 and 6 buildings at graduation in 1967. Now there are aout 12 dorms, new classroom buildings... new music building.

Others pictures show Joni standing in front of her old dorm, MacVicor Hall, and she is pointing to her old doom room. Then we went inside the building and took a picture of her standing in front of the dorm room she lived in. The building is now an office building.

We walked around the campus and visited the "old" Crane building - the music department. Most of Joni's classes were in that building. But there is a new music building now. We toured there also.

We drove around the town of Potsdam - it's very small. Joni thought it looked a lot older. Can't imagine why? It was old when Joni went to college and that was only a few years ago!!!!!