Sunday, August 15, 2010

Camping in New Hampshire

We're finally in New Hampshire! It's been a long trip to get here..... 2400 miles from Colorado to New Hampshire.
We camped at the Barrington Shores Campground close to Joni's brother's house and her Mom's place.

Joni's brother's son Justin is getting married to his long time sweetheart, Amanda so all the family came for the event. Joni's kids, Jim and his wife Barbara, Ken and Chris all came together and spent an evening at the campground. Joni's Mom came also.

It was great to all be together. We grilled out and enjoyed the campground and enjoyed visiting with each other. It's rare that we can all be together at the same time.

Mom still thinks we are crazy to be fulltiming in our motorhome, but this is great!

There's nothing better than being with family!