We've played A LOT of tennis, entering every tournament we can, both traveling team and home team competetions. We WON the Spouces Tournament this year!!!!! See the photo of us with the 2nd place winners - Andy and Betty!
It was a very cold weekend, so we appreciated all our friends who sat and watched in their winter clothes. 

It has been an exceptionally cold winter this year. Most of the our winter has had highs in the low 60's and lows in the 40's-50's. Usually we wear shorts and tanks and tees, but this year we've had to wear a lot of sweats and jeans. It's also been very windy which adds to the chilly temps. BUT, it's better than being in the ice and snow which has covered a lot of the rest of the country.
The cool weather has also messed up our kayaking. We've planned 2 moonlight kayak paddles out to our "paradise island" and had to cancel both due to cold or rainy weather. We've got one more full moon chance. Hopefully March will be a warm month.
Joni has only been able to take a handful of daytime kayak trips.