After a fun filled summer in Fun Valley, we headed to visit some friends, Dana and Karen Lemmerman, in Salida, CO. Salida is about 100 miles north of Fun Valley.
We met the Lemmermans in Florida and have enjoyed getting to know them better. They came to Fun Valley for a visit and Dana played in a golf tournament with Delton.
Parking our motorhome on the side of their house, we became temporary neighbors. Their kindness and friendship has been wonderful. Hiking, 4 wheeling, kayaking, biking, golfing, tennis and more, we have had lots to do.

This writeup is just a small sam
ple of some of the things we've enjoyed doing together. Dana bought a new rifle (see Dana with his guns) and Delton tested it out. It didn't have any bullets though, as he aimed at the mountain.
We took a ride up the mountain to a ghost town called St. Elmo. We enjoyed our walk through the town. See Delton posed at the post office.

A very exciting situation occurred when Karen was pulling some weeds by her patio. A Rattle Snake was there.
She yelled and Delton grabbed a shovel and before you know it, the snake was DEAD! Delton is holding the snake which has been deheaded. That snake sure has created a lot of excitement in the neightborhood.
One afternoon we went to a festival downtown.
See the dancers moving to the beat of the drums. Also at the festival were a display of wolves.
They sure look like dogs to me. But we learned they are very different.
Walking along the Arkansas River, we watched some kayakers practicing their "roll overs" in the river. The kayaks are very short. A few sections of the river have deep holes where they can roll over safely. Joni loves kayaking, but would never do the roll over!!!!!!

These are just of few of the things we enjoyed in Salida. We will share the rest of the fun in separate articles.
Thanks a bunch to Dana and Karen for their warm hospitality!

One afternoon we went to a festival downtown.

Walking along the Arkansas River, we watched some kayakers practicing their "roll overs" in the river. The kayaks are very short. A few sections of the river have deep holes where they can roll over safely. Joni loves kayaking, but would never do the roll over!!!!!!

These are just of few of the things we enjoyed in Salida. We will share the rest of the fun in separate articles.
Thanks a bunch to Dana and Karen for their warm hospitality!