Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hiking in Salida, CO

The pictures in this article are taken from 2 separate hikes we took.

Delton, Joni, Dana, Karen and Breezy their dog took a short afternoon hike along the Arkansas River. Breezy enjoyed jumping in the river and fetching sticks. See Breezy walking along side Delton with his prize.

As we walked along the river, we checked to see how rough it would be when we kayaked. This section had some rough stops but it looked like it would be fun. Parts of the trail went along a rocky area with some beautiful views of the river.

Joni went hiking with Karen and her hiking group on an 8 mile hike (4 miles in, 4 miles out) in the Collegiate Wilderness. We went up about 2000 feet, so the hike was very verticle.
There were 13 of us, including 1 gentleman who was celebrating his 88th birthday that day. He's a trooper, keeping up with us as if he was 20 years younger.

When we reached our turn around point, we stopped for lunch. We sang "Happy Birthday" and enjoyed some birthday brownies.

We met up with a group of college kids who were having a wilderness freshman orientation from a local college. They had been camping up on the mountain for a few days. (See them across the river enjoying the mountain and river) .
It certainly was a challenging hike, and a long hike. It took us about 5 1/2 hours, in and out. Joni enjoyed the group. Thanks Karen for inviting Joni.

A week later, Karen went on a 14,000 footer. Yes, she hiked to the top of a 14,000 foot mountain. It was a dreary day and they got a little cold and wet, but they made it. What an accomplishment. Joni decided not to go on that one. They met at 5 am in the morning and hiked up 4,000 feet. Too early and too verticle for Joni. Good job Karen!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Kayaking the Arkansas River

Kayaking down the Arkansas River with Dana and Karen was exciting. We floated about 2 1/2 hours and loved every minute of it. Even Delton kayaked the whole ride.

The river was flowing faster than the Rio Grande in the Fun Valley area. Some of the rapid areas were alittle rougher, but the natives considered the river to be very calm right now. The pictures don't show the roughest areas as we did not want to get the camera all wet or fall out into the river.

We went through a spillway area which had many DANGER signs posted. There was a trail there for those of us who were wimpy and wanted to get out and walk around that area. Guess who that was! That's right! Joni walked around. Delton, Dana and Karen went through the "shoot" that was to the left of the spillway. Karen dumped and Delton almost got swept into the spillway. It was an area that they wouldn't have attemped had the river been higher - as it was earlier in the year. Sorry, we didn't get any pictures of that area. Too bad! They would have been good!

Delton dumped in a rough rapids area by hitting a big boulder. He floated in the river for what seemed like a long time. He finally was able to catch up to his kayak, but his butt his a few rocks before that. What a way to get a sore butt!
Our ride ended in Salida where there were 2 deep holes where kayakers learn to do the "roll". (See the area behind the picture of the four of us).

Mountains were all around us and the day was gorgeous.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

4 Wheeling

A New Experience For Us - 4 Wheeling!
Dana And Karen Lemmerman invited us to go 4 wheeling in the mountains on their ATVs. What Fun!

Our first experience was on a pretty easy trail with wide trails that were't too steep, and didn't have many big rocks. We had lunch at the turn around of our ride.

It seems we came across a couple of ALIENS on the way. See Karen and Joni standing next their ATV.

It's important to protect your eyes and even wear a scarf over your mouth as you ride along. It gets very dusty and you get very dirty along the way.

On another day, Dana and Delton went on a more advanced trail up to about 14,000 feet elevation. Delton prayed when he got to the top - thankful that they got there safely! Near the top of the mountain they came across a cabin (see picture of mountain with cabin in the trees) with some supplies for those who may get stuck up there. It's a good thing they didn't get stuck!

The views were magnificent. God sure created good stuff!

Sometimes you look at the mountains and they don't even look real. As the sign above Delton's had says, "Be Still and Know That I am GOD!"

Friday, August 14, 2009

Visiting Dana and Karen

After a fun filled summer in Fun Valley, we headed to visit some friends, Dana and Karen Lemmerman, in Salida, CO. Salida is about 100 miles north of Fun Valley.

We met the Lemmermans in Florida and have enjoyed getting to know them better. They came to Fun Valley for a visit and Dana played in a golf tournament with Delton.
Parking our motorhome on the side of their house, we became temporary neighbors. Their kindness and friendship has been wonderful. Hiking, 4 wheeling, kayaking, biking, golfing, tennis and more, we have had lots to do.

This writeup is just a small sample of some of the things we've enjoyed doing together. Dana bought a new rifle (see Dana with his guns) and Delton tested it out. It didn't have any bullets though, as he aimed at the mountain.
We took a ride up the mountain to a ghost town called St. Elmo. We enjoyed our walk through the town. See Delton posed at the post office.

A very exciting situation occurred when Karen was pulling some weeds by her patio. A Rattle Snake was there. She yelled and Delton grabbed a shovel and before you know it, the snake was DEAD! Delton is holding the snake which has been deheaded. That snake sure has created a lot of excitement in the neightborhood.

One afternoon we went to a festival downtown. See the dancers moving to the beat of the drums. Also at the festival were a display of wolves. They sure look like dogs to me. But we learned they are very different.

Walking along the Arkansas River, we watched some kayakers practicing their "roll overs" in the river. The kayaks are very short. A few sections of the river have deep holes where they can roll over safely. Joni loves kayaking, but would never do the roll over!!!!!!

These are just of few of the things we enjoyed in Salida. We will share the rest of the fun in separate articles.

Thanks a bunch to Dana and Karen for their warm hospitality!

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Bears In Camp

It's another year of bears in camp. First I want to introduce you to the Fun Valley Bear. He appears throughout the camp during special events such as 4th of July. He enjoys meeting and greeting the campers. Check out the sneakers!

Delton and Dave Spear have made a semi annual trip up the mountain across from the campground to maintain the wooden bear on the mountain. They are CLOSE to the edge - only about 1 foot from the ledge. AND it's a steep fall! Joni calls this paint job unnecessary........

We had new experience this year. A Real Bear climbed a tree, jumped onto the roof of an RV, jumped to another tree, then landed on the ground and ran for the mountain. A few bears decided to come into camp during the middle of the day, for a few days in a row. They were a sight. Many followed them and took lots of pictures. I don't know who was more scared, the bears or the campers. Looks like the campers weren't scared at all.

The RV owners were not home at the time that the bear landed on their RV. Imagine hearing a thump and then finding a bear on your roof!!!!

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Air Force Retirement

Steve Jones, Delton's brother, retired from the Air Force this summer. What an accomplishment!

We left our motorhome in Colorado and headed for Texas to attend the ceremony and after party. The ceremony was very moving and emotional. Awards and Certificates were presented to Steve and his wife Christi, kids Stephanie and Reagan, and Mom Josie. Presenting the awards was Major General Rita Aragon (2 Star General)!

Kevin Jones, our nephew, (Ron's son) was able to attend and be part of the ceremony. See Kevin in his Navy uniform. Kevin is just a few years away from retirment also.

Members of ROTC from Keller High School attended and performed a flag folding ceremeny. As each fold of the flag was completed, the meaning of the fold was recited. Our founding fathers knew what they were doing!

We are so proud of our county and of Steve for his service.

Thanks Steve.