Thursday, July 23, 2009

Life At Fun Valley

Ah! Life at Fun Valley is fun! Here is a general run down of our summer within the campground.

We've had many get togethers and pot luck meals. Along with our pot lucks are food and music. Pictured are the Wild Rose Band at the Square Dance Hall. There are even square dancers in full costume. They played 3 times a week for your dancing pleasure - country and line dancing, etc. Also pictured is a get together band - with Joni on percussion..... tambourine and wood blocks.

We've had Street Dances hosted by the Bruce Scott DJ Dance Music. Held out in the middle of the campground, the music was heard throughout the park.

The park was very full this year, with many RVs waiting in the holding area for a spot. I guess the hot Texas summer and the lower price of gas has brought people out this year. Many of our Fun Valley friends came back for their yearly vacation. Some of their pictures are shown.

Sarah Getto came to Fun Valley again this year to entertain us all with her beautiful voice and sweet smile. She sings like a bird. (See the article on Sarah in last years archives). If your would like to have Sarah sing at one of your events, check out her website site . You'll be happy that you did.

Home made donuts... delicious. Mark and Nancy were back again and made donuts for all. Heat up a pot of oil over the campfire, open a container of biscuits, add some sugar, cinnamon or powdered sugar and eat! HMMMMMMM good!
Dana and Karen Lemmerman came to visit! We met Karen and Dana in Florida at Ocean Resorts. They own a home in Salida, CO, just 100 miles from Fun Valley, so they got in their motorhome and came to visit and play golf. See the photo of Dana and Karen and Us with the bear in the Square Dance Hall and enjoying a picnic outside our motor home.

We met "Cowboy" and his wife Pam this year. Cowboy is seated on his saddle scooter. He's a special person and inspiration to all. Cowboy has terminal pancreatic cancer, but he spreads his love for people and God each and every day, enjoying each and every day to the fullest.

Biking is one of Joni's favorite sports and she has racked up over 40,000 miles over the last 9 years. See Joni and her bike friends enjoying their daily Fun Valley ride.