January 16, 2008
NO! WE DID NOT JUMP OUT OF AN AIRPLANE!!One afternoon, a bunch of us, including Mary and Dave Spears, decided to go see some international parachuting. Very interesting, but we are not brave enough to try it. We could have if we wanted to - for $25 a ride.

Pictured is a person who took the plunge for the first time.
You can see the double parachuters. The rider is holding his legs out in front of him for the landing.

It was interesting to watch the parachuters getting ready to jump, folding their chutes, practicing their formations, taking off, landing and most of all - the excitment on their faces after a safe landing. There was one man who jumped from a plane and he had only 1 leg. He took off his "leg" (a telescoping leg which attached to his upper thigh) to jump. After he landed (on his butt), he put his leg back on and walked back.