Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Fall 2007 Coming to a Close

We loved our spot in Grapevine with our view of the lake. Friends Kathy and Skip McKie joined us for a delicious diner on a warm fall afternoon.

One of the highlights of our fall trip back home was Delton's BEARD. He grew it for our Christmas program at church. See the story on Jouney to Bethlehem.

Toni and Jeff Ast came out to Grapevine in their RV for a weekend. We ate, fished, and sat around the campfire with them. We met them during our Journey To Bethlehem program and have become good friends. (Pictured are Toni and Jeff in front of their RV)

RVers are very friendly people. We met alot of new friends in the park. Doug and Rita Fisk are 2 of those great people. We will be joining them in the San Diego area for a few weeks this winter. We are looking forward to seeing them again. (Rita and Doug are pictured in front of their motorhome)

We had an early Christmas exchange with Delton's son, Ken and his wife Shawna and daughter Shauntal. Also, Joni's son Chris joined us. After a summer flood in their home, they were finally settled in with their new renovations. What an ordeal that was. They had 4 inches of water in their house.