After returning to Texas, Joni went to New Hampshire to help her brother Rich and his wife Adele, get Mom situated in her new home. Delton stayed in Texas with the motorhome to get caught up on "business". On her way to NH, she visited her son, Jim, and his wife, Barbara, for 2 nights in NYC. (See the story on Jim and Barbara's wedding - dated June 1, 2007)
After a very hard year, the decision was made to move Joni’s Mom from her home in
Pictured are views of the front of the building and Mom standing under her apartment. As you can see, Spruce Wood is very nice and very new.
Mom’s 2 bedroom apartment is located on the 3rd flood and is only 1 of the 3 apartments that have a bay window in the living room. She has a corner apartment so she has windows on 2 sides. See mom standing on the patio which is under her bedroom window.
She has all her meals in the dining room which overlooks the back yard where the trees were just starting to turn to their beautiful fall colors.
Joni’s brother, Rich and his wife Adele, live in
Rich went down to
Joni flew up to NH and stayed with her at Spruce Wood for 1 week, while Delton stayed in Texas. Aside from visiting her Mom, Joni wanted to help her get acclimated by getting her into her new routine. There are a lot of activities to get involved in and lots of new people to meet. They went to every activity they could, so their days were full.
Pictured are some of the many things they did. An afternoon cruise up the river lasted 2 ½ hours and was enjoyed by the
bus full of residents that signed up to go. Pictured is the Spruce Wood bus unloading residents that went on the cruise.
Another cruise is planned for October. Pictured are Joni and Mom on the boat.
Entertainment was enjoyed by all who attended the event in the Great Room. The singer got Mom to join her in a little dance while she sang. It was so cute.
Mom enjoyed making Halloween decorations. She could also do water color painting, among other crafts.
Among other activities she did were: a backyard croquette game, trivia game, daily morning coffee get together, got her hair and nails done, read in the library, (pictured is Mom reading in the library,) went to an exercise class, plus more stuff.
Pictured is Mom with Stacy, the activities director for Spruce Wood. They are standing in the foyer, right outside the entrance to the diner hall. We got to know Stacy pretty well. Mom suggested a new activity - BINGO. Stacy said they will start bingo in October.
The internet is also available for those who would like to use it. Internet classes are on the schedule of activites. Needless to say, she will not want for things to do. Pictured is Mom sitting in the backyard with some of her new friends.
I know we made the right decision to bring her to NH. It was a good time for her to move with the holidays coming up. She may even get to see SNOW for Christmas this year.