December 2006 – March 2007
Delton taught a Bible Study class at our home church in Texas, just before we sold our house to go on the road. It was a 12 week study of the Book of Revelation. Delton’s desire was to teach that study while we were on the road, all over the country. We needed to stay in one location long enough in order to have enough time to get through the whole book. WE HAD THE TIME IN OCEAN RESORTS!
The Ocean Resorts Rec Hall would have been the ideal place to hold the class, but we encountered some problems when we found out that the bi-laws of the co-op would not allow the use of the rec hall for religious purposes. Some in the community were very upset about this and controversy was stirred up. Christians continue to be persecuted! We held our study in people’s homes – a different home each week. It worked out great. Our class became very close as each week went by and we all became good friends. We averaged 18 people each week.
Delton studied very hard and used all resources he had to address all questions: the Bible, his brother Larry, our pastor Greg, our education pastor Ken, and many books. Our class consisted of a variety of religious faiths which made for interesting discussions. Delton did a great job of teaching God’s word.