Monday, March 26, 2007

A Kayakers Paradise

March 28, 2007

One morning a group of us decided to take our kayaks down the river, south of Ocean Resorts, a kayak back. A group of us started together, but then we decided to go in different directions.

So Nancy White and Joni paddled a little further south to the Fort Pierce Inlet, where the river meets the ocean and boats can get into the ocean from their docks on the river. The water was very clean and rough, a little too rough to kayak in. So at that point we started to head back.

We came upon 4 dolphins, being very playful. Actually, Nancy said they were probably mating. They were jumping up high and having a real good time. It was hard to capture pictures, but we did the best we could. They started coming straight towards Joni and actually went right under her, but didn’t even stir the water. It was a neat experience.

As we traveled on down the river, we stopped for lunch on an island with a beautiful sandy beach. As you can see, it was paradise. As we passed some of the islands in the river, we noticed quite a few families camping. They just boat out to the islands and set up camp with their tents. What a way to vacation and have quality time with each other.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Delton and Tom Win 1st Place

March, 2007

What a Tennis Season!

The Ocean Resorts Mens/Womens Doubles Tournament was held in March. Teams were formed by the chairman of the tournament according to abilities. Joni and her partner, Georgia, didn’t do very well, but Delton and his partner, Tom, WON!

It was a 2 day event starting on Saturday, with the finals being held on Sunday.

Also shown are the womens 1st and 2nd place winners.

It was a great day and the crowd got to watch a great match.

Monday, March 12, 2007

A Hole In One

March 12, 2007

Delton Did It!!!! He got his first Hole In One!!!!

He was playing with his regular Monday morning group from Ocean Resorts, Florida. It was the 2nd hole of the morning – hole #11. The Monday morning group plays 9 holes, so they started on #10.

It was a 120 yard par 3 at Fairwinds Golf Course designed by Jim Fazio at Fort Pierce, Florida. Delton hit a solid wedge shot straight to the hole. It landed right in front of the pin and then all of a sudden it disappeared. Was it behind the hole or was it in the hole. IT WAS IN!

Pictured is Delton playing golf in South Fork, Colorado. We did not have a picture of the course in Florida.

Delton had to buy favorite beverages for each person in his foursome. When the word got out at Ocean Resorts, Delton got lots of congratulations! Now he is finally in the “Hole In One Club”.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

A Manatee Experience at Ocean Resorts

March 11, 2007

Joni loves to kayak, as you already know. It’s not only fun to paddle around, but there is much to see in the waters – manatee, dolphin, sea gulls, lots of flying fish.

Pictures in this article were taken in Key Largo - February 2006. You can see how gentle the manatees are. They like fresh water from the hose and will roll over to get their bellies rubbed.

One afternoon, while kayaking with Fran Baxter, Joni came upon a sleeping manatee.

She was in very shallow calm water, about thigh deep. The manatee was startled as Joni glided over him. He couldn’t dive down because it was too shallow, so he came up, lifting Joni and her kayak up out of the water onto his back. Fran laughed a lot as Joni was horrified. Fran said the look on Joni’s face was pure horror.

As Joni was lifted up, she tried to paddle but didn’t even reach the water. Then as she slid off the manatee’s back, she almost tipped over. The manatee displaced a lot of water as it rose up and created a huge wave which came up and over Joni and her kayak – drenching Joni. It left Joni “all shook up” and shaking. She felt like the Lock Ness Monster was coming up and was about to gobble her up. But, manatee are very gentle creatures and he was probably as scared as Joni.

It was just another experience in this RVing adventure.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Revelation Bible Study

December 2006 – March 2007

Delton taught a Bible Study class at our home church in Texas, just before we sold our house to go on the road. It was a 12 week study of the Book of Revelation. Delton’s desire was to teach that study while we were on the road, all over the country. We needed to stay in one location long enough in order to have enough time to get through the whole book. WE HAD THE TIME IN OCEAN RESORTS!

The Ocean Resorts Rec Hall would have been the ideal place to hold the class, but we encountered some problems when we found out that the bi-laws of the co-op would not allow the use of the rec hall for religious purposes. Some in the community were very upset about this and controversy was stirred up. Christians continue to be persecuted! We held our study in people’s homes – a different home each week. It worked out great. Our class became very close as each week went by and we all became good friends. We averaged 18 people each week.

Delton studied very hard and used all resources he had to address all questions: the Bible, his brother Larry, our pastor Greg, our education pastor Ken, and many books. Our class consisted of a variety of religious faiths which made for interesting discussions. Delton did a great job of teaching God’s word.