Southlake, TX: December 11, 2005
Jerry and Charlotte Fain opened their home to our Sunday School Class for lunch. They are gracious hosts and we have enjoyed being at their home on several occasions. Our Sunday School leader is Larry Van Loh and he led us in a time of sharing and giving thanks. After our sharing time we had prayer with specific requests for concerns for family and friends, travel and our troops that are in harms way.
Charlotte prepared a wonderful ham and everyone brought dishes to share. As always, we had more too eat that we needed. This was a departing time for us and we had a great time saying goodbye again to our close church friends.
When you meet friends you always find out a few new things. It was interesting to find out that Jesse Vasquez grew up in Stamford, Texas, which is also Delton’s hometown. Jesse graduated in 1968 and Delton graduated in 1960. They had a great time taking about the Glory Days of Stamford High School football.