Saturday, August 20, 2005

On Our Way to Seattle

August 17 – 20, 2005

We decided to take our time getting to Seattle for our cruise to Alaska. Our first night was in Provo, Utah, then to Boise, Idaho and then Yakima, Washington. We traveled between 250 and 400 miles a day. It was a hard 4 days. We prefer not to drive so much without stopping to see the sights, but we had a deadline and needed to get to Seattle to firm up our plans for the cruise. We had to figure out how we were going to get to Vancouver BC, where we sail from, and where to leave our motor home (in the United States, not in Canada) and how to get back to our motor home after the cruise. The cruise is a one way sail, so we must fly back from Anchorage to Seattle.

While traveling in Utah, we ate at the Red Lobster. Our waiter, James Roberts, was very interested in what we were doing. As luck would have it, his sister, Sissy, lives near Seattle and has a covered RV spot with full hookups at her home. He offered us the spot while we cruised. We exchanged phone numbers and have been trying to figure out how to make the logistics of our plans work out. We’ve been in touch with Sissy a few times and as of this writing we are still working on this. Who would have ever imagined that our diner at the Red Lobster would turn out with a answer to our logistics problem. People can be so nice. You never know where the roads will lead us……