Friday, July 22, 2005

Rafting Down the Rio Grande

July 21-22, 2005; Fun Valley, CO

Rafting down the Rio Grand River was great fun. Joni rode down the Fun Valley area of the river in her new kayak. The river was low in Fun Valley so the kayak scraped the rocks a little bit. When Kandy and Val Franklin and Don and Debbie Taylor saw the kayak, they decided they wanted one also. So, they got some.

The next day we all drove past South Fork and half way up to Creede. The river was a lot higher there, and flowed swiftly. There were a few small rapids, but nothing wild. Delton was our driver, dropping us off at our entry point and picking us up 10 miles down river – about 2 hours and 45 minutes later. Delton was able to try his hand at it a couple of days latter – since we didn’t have enough kayaks for everyone.

Joni in the rapids.

Val and Kandy Franklin from Trophy Club, Texas

Don and Debbie Taylor from Pampa, Texas

Delton - finally gets his turn!